Adolescent Parent
Support Services
Project All About Me
Support Specialists provide case management, behavioral health assessments, referrals, and resource bags to clients
Opportunity to join a support group
Clients of this program include both fathers and mothers with children under the age of 5, who live in the St. Louis metropolitan area

"I appreciate and love being able to come talk to you when I need and MOST IMPORTANTLY it's the SUPPORT for me from
Project All About Me."
Project All About Me Participant
"It teaches you how to become a leader, trust others,
and how to earn each other's trust."
Sisters of Strength and Young Men of Worth Participant
"This topic on secondary trauma was so needed because I have been feeling like I am carrying the weight of my clients on my shoulders!"
Participant from Self Care Practice and Understanding the Effects of Secondary Trauma on You Workshop

Practicum Opportunity
Build your social work skills by completing your practicum hours with us!
Project DEAMHI, Inc. accepts BSW and MSW students every semester
To apply, please submit your cover letter and resume via email to